24 Jan 2017

Anxiety Poem : I HEAR VOICES

Image result for anxiety
So i wrote a poem about my anxiety and all the things that comes with it such as panic attack and paranoia
  • I Hear Voices
    Time is standing still but yet I'm still falling,
    falling so deep that i cant seem to stop 
    i hear voice bringing me down but not just any voice 
    but my voice that is tell me to stop don't no 

    Stop thinking you can do it you cant 
    don't leave the house stay 
    no no no no 
    Life is so complicated 
    why ? 

    A question that seem to never have an answer 
    As my chest is beating so fast and i can't breath 
    my heart hurting me so bad that its feels like i am dying
    i try to breath ever air that i could get but it seem impossible 

    my heads start to feel light and my feet cant seem to find the ground 
    my hands are shaking 
    what is happening to me 
    am i going crazy
    and then
    i hear voice
    not just any voice but a familiar voice
    a voices that telling me I'm useless a voice that telling me your I'm worthless 
    why are you even here, what is your purpose 

    As i walk down the street, the whispers start to become louder 
    as it cancel the voice in head 
    and i start to feels their gaze on the back of head 
    are they talking about me, i quicken my pace
     and then 
    i hear a heartbeat 
    ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum 
    faster and faster 
    what is happening 
    my feet start to quicken the pace 
    I'm sprinting in a race
    a race that i am losing in
    then i hear a voice 
    a voice that question 
    I Hear a voice


8 Jan 2017

Who am I ??

who am i ?
Who is Nima Fara?
Who is that girl 
Question i ask myself everyday is who am i, who do i wanna be 
Do i wanna be Rule breaker
A risk taker 
or a person who afraid to even try 
A person who spend her time envy others wishing that she could live her dreams
the question is why can't she ?
answer..... Nothing i got no reason all i have excuses 
of reason not to
Such as i cant afford it,
Walt Disney once said if you can dream , you can do it 
and you know what i dream my dream is to travel around the world with camera 
and be a great photographer that i know i can be 
So 2017 is year or the moment i set out a capture the journey i am embracing and learning from .


1 Jan 2017


SO it is officially 2017 so what is my plan, my resolution. 
2016 was a difficult year and looking back at my 2016 new years resolution i have failed to actually accomplish anything i set to do and while struggling with my depression and anxiety i decided that 2017 was the year i am gonna kick ass and actually take risk and work hard and finally become the person i wanna be.

Here are the list of things i wanna accomplish and try to do

- Start My Weight Loss Journey 

- Save Money 

- Travel to the USA and Canada and Sydney

- Read More Books

- Take control of my depression and anxiety

- Work on my blog more 

- Finally become the person i wanna be 

- Study Photography 

- Buy a camera 

-  work on YouTube Channel 

- Get a New Job!!